10 Common Grammatical Errors That You Must Avoid In Sentence Constructions
When a writer is writing a paper, lots of effort is given like research, time management, editing, outlining, reading comprehension, and many others. However, a single grammatical error can affect all your efforts. The grammatical errors can change the whole meaning and construction of the sentences. A small grammatical error could cost you money and time. So, while writing a sentence or paragraph, you should be sure about your writing by avoiding grammatical mistakes. Here the question is, how will you find out your grammatical mistakes? Well, do not worry. In this article, you can find all the answers to your questions.
Here are 10 common grammatical errors or mistakes that you must avoid while framing or constructing a sentence. Please have a look at them.
1. Using adverbs repeatedly:
When you are using an adverb once in your writing, it enhances your sentence formations. But if you are using adverbs repeatedly, it indicates the weak verb choices in your writing.
For example: My brother ran really very fast to catch the runaway cat.
Correct: My brother sprinted to catch the runaway cat.
2. Missing of a single comma:
Another grammatical error is the missing of a single comma. Yes, a single comma can change the whole meaning of the sentence, or it will be difficult to understand.
For example: If the food is ready we will start eating.
Correct: If the food is ready, we will start eating.
Here, you can see the first sentence without a comma is not creating any sense. However, look at the correct one, where using a single comma has created meaning to the sentence. Moreover, if you are writing an introductory phrase without using a comma, then it can be an error in grammar.
For example: First of all I must read the instructions.
Correct: First of all, I must read the instructions.
In this sentence, you can see the first sentence has not used any comma. But in the second correct sentence, the comma is present and is giving meaning to the sentence. Further, you call it the power of the comma in grammar, which you should use in framing a sentence. And try to avoid grammatical mistakes.
3. Mistakes in similar words:
There are many similar words like "effect" and "affect", "farther" and "further", "accept" and "except", etc... These words create confusion for many. These words have different spellings as well as different meanings to the sentences. If you are making the same mistake by switching these words, it can change the structure of the sentence.
For example: Eating junk food has a bad affect on our health.
Correct: Eating junk food has a bad effect on our health.
4. Mixing up the spelling of the words:
Some of the similar sound words are - "your" or "You're," "whether" or "weather," "their" or "there," etc... You must have seen some words that sound very similar, but they are not the same. These similar-sounding words have different meanings and spellings. If you are using these similar-sounding words as one, then it can create a grammatical error.
For example: There sister went to the parlor their.
Correct: Their sister went to the parlor there.
5. Don't end a sentence with a preposition:
Naturally, a preposition indicates to follow another word. When we are making a normal conversation, it cannot create a problem. However, when it comes to the writing part, it is a severe grammatical error or issue.
For example: She met him to have a discussion with.
Correct: She met him for a discussion.
6. Antecedents are not clear:
Before the pronoun, the antecedent brings out the pronoun's meaning appropriately. If your antecedent is not clear in your writing, it can lead to a grammatical error. These kinds of grammatical errors can be cleared by rearranging the wordings of the sentence.
For example: My friend got a higher rank in the exam and she was happy.
Correct: My friend was happy when she got a higher rank in the exam.
7. Sentence Fragments:
Out of all grammatical mistakes, sentence fragments are very common. In a sentence, you need to add a verb and subject. If you are missing them, then a grammatical error will occur.
For example: I did not visit the doctor yesterday. Because I was feeling better.
Correct: I did not visit the doctor yesterday because I was feeling better.
8. Cryptic pronoun references:
Generally, many people use the word him or her in their writings. But they don't mention to whom they are referring. These pronouns must refer to someone; otherwise, the reader will take your words differently. If you are not using clear antecedents with a pronoun, it can be a grammatical error.
For example: Rina told Rob she would come to meet him on Sunday.
Correct: Rina told Rob she would come to meet Kriss on Sunday.
9. Lack of verb and subject agreement:
Many grammatical errors occur due to the lack of verb and subject agreement. While writing a sentence, it must have a verb and subject that agrees with the tense. You must use the verb that is plural if the subject is plural. On the other hand, if the subject is falling in the singular category, then you can use the verb as singular.
For example: These colors is matching the shirts.
Correct: These colors are matching the shirts.
10. Correct use of the apostrophe:
Many writers do not know when to use an apostrophe in their writings. This apostrophe shows possession in writing. Moreover, the apostrophe cannot be used for - mine, my, ours, our, its, his, hers, their, or theirs, etc.
For example: My brothers cricket match is tomorrow.
Correct: My brother's cricket match is tomorrow.
This post has explained to you 10 common grammatical errors or mistakes that you must avoid while framing or constructing a sentence. After reading this post, you must understand the common grammatical mistakes you generally make in your writings. After realizing your own mistakes, you need to try to avoid these common grammatical mistakes in your writings. Once you know about the errors or mistakes in your writing, nobody can stop you from writing a better-quality write-up.