Personalised Online Tutoring Service Exclusively for English!
With Wizert Learn English the smartest way. Join our interactive online English classes designed and guided by experienced subject experts. Enroll today and learn anytime from anywhere.

With Wizert Learn English the smartest way. Join our interactive online English classes designed and guided by experienced subject experts. Enroll today and learn anytime from anywhere.
Our teachers have advanced degrees from top colleges with several decades of teaching experience. Unlike other companies, our teachers are our employees and not freelancers or contractors so they are fully accountable for their performance.
We have developed our own proprietary, state-of-the-art video conferencing and whiteboard technology to provide the best online learning experience to your child. We don't use free and outdated solutions like Skype.
Every student is assigned a dedicated mentor who will be responsible for understanding his/her needs, monitoring progress and guiding the student in his academic pursuit.
Our rates are very affordable so hiring a personal teacher does not burn a hole in your pocket.
We focus on English to bring you the best guidance your child needs. We are not a 'one-stop-shop' teaching everything under the sun.